West Chester Borough February Market Report

Do you know what the highest home sale price was in the West Chester Borough for February?


In February, the borough of West Chester saw 13 closed deals totaling $7,537,277 in sales volume with an average price of $579,790. For comparison, January only saw 6 closed deals with $2,697,500 in sales volume with an average price of $449,583. 

Back to the 13 deals that closed in February.

  • 5 were over the asking price

  • 7 were under the asking price

  • 1 went for the asking price

Of the five that went for over asking, there were 2 that went for way over. Shockingly, a beautiful home on Barnard St that went for $150,000 over ask was not the highest. The highest was $216,000 over asking for a gorgeous ranch on High St. Without counting those two outliers, the average of the other three went for $33,825 over ask.  

On the contrary, the 7 went under the asking price for an average $21,742. With the highest being $54,900 and the lowest being $5,000. This was due to investment properties being sold as-is or homes that were priced too high.

I can’t wait to see where March takes us! For a more in-depth market report for West Chester or your specific town, reach out to me today!


Chester County, PA February Market Report


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